Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Are Children Unsafe in a Naturist Setting?

This is a very important question, and one that was asked of me at one of the local nude swims this weekend; aren't children more at risk of being victims of predators when they are nude?

The argument made was that if you take your children to one of the family nude swims or the World Naked Bike Ride, your child's nudity will encourage the presence of pedophiles. I obviously disagree with that, but only in regards to naturist events, not when it comes to public events. Let's talk about naturist events first.

When you take your child to a genuine naturist event, I argue that they are likely safer than most public events. At nudist resorts or a nude swim, nudists form a bond between each other that creates a very tight security net. Children are always under watchful eye by not only their parents, but by every other genuine naturist there. I don't want to sound like naturists are more paranoid, but they are definitely aware of what is going on around them. Any inappropriate behaviour is always dealt with swiftly and usually ends in the suspect being removed from the premises. I don't think a pedophile would have much of a chance at a real nudist event. I also question how often a pedophile would make their way into such an event in the first place. Most resorts screen people, and the smaller events mean that it's hard for someone with ill intentions to go unnoticed.

Now when it comes to public nude events, I may not be quite so in favour of bringing children there. It's a little sad and unfortunate for those children who have been raised in a naturist environment, but public places like the World Naked Bike Ride are probably not places for children. The only reason I say this is because of the number of textiles staggeringly outnumbers the nudists at an event such as this. The nudist security net cannot possibly be present at such an event, and thus it is probably not the safest place for a child. And while a parent may feel they have an adequate eye on their child, photography is something that cannot be regulated at such an event, and nobody wants to think that nude photos of their child may be used inappropriately. It's too bad this is the case because family friendly naturism is really what we want to portray to the world, and often the WNBR is the only event textiles may see when it comes to naturism.

That all being said, the world has bad people out there, and we all know it. These people might be at the textile beach, they might be at the mall, they might be outside the school! We have to be watchful of our youngsters anywhere we go, maybe even more so in the textile world, since pedophiles can blend in easier there. I think those who believe children are more at risk at a nudist event are still relating nudity to sex, which of course isn't what nudists do. Yes, a pedophile definitely relates nudity to sex, but those intentions are easily easily spotted by a true naturist.

It is important that we continue to keep nudist resorts and events family friendly. Age discrimination only supports the perception that nudity and sex go hand in hand. That of course, is not true and healthy family-friendly nudity is beneficial to both adults and children. Children should be allowed to practice healthy nudity with their families, and families should feel safe when this is practiced in a true naturist setting.


  1. Children are as safe in a nudist setting as they are in a clothed setting, as I have sort of mentioned on my own blog http://www.humanfreedomblog.blogspot.com/

  2. they are not safe in this kind of environment and even if they are they should not be exposed to this kind of behavior

  3. Hollis, what is your reasoning behind your comment? I'm curious as to how you came to this conclusion

  4. @Ryan: Hollis' reasoning is undoubtedly "religious puritan reasoning," which we've learned, by now, is no kind of reasoning whatsoever.

  5. As with many things, the extreme side of religion is hard to understand and make sense of. Sad because there are many religious people who understand the benefits and wholesomeness of simple family nudity.

  6. I think nudity should not be allowed, i suppose it as curse, it may include both adults and children. nudity entertained in family or anywhere else in public is disgusting and there are many harmful sides of this

  7. Maria, thanks for the alternative point of view. What are some of the negative effects of family nudity?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I have no problem with nudists or anyone else and their beliefs there is nothing wrong with Nudism, atheism, homosexuality or Narcissism.

    people are who they are Nudism is not a curse! not un-holy and not bad if people want to be bare they should!

  10. I don't like nudity, if we are nude too often we will start growing a lot more hair like animals.

  11. I think children should deffently go nude, especially cute little boys, cute little boy bodies are great to see.

  12. I wonder where you picked up all the trolls?

  13. What is obscene about the naked body? Is it obscene in the shower? ...or when asleep in bed? ...or when being medically examined? No! The only context where nudity can be obscene is a sexual context. Therefore people who see it as obscene are indisputably incapable of seeing nudity without thinking of sex. This is the ultimate perversion. Worse; such people are therefore a danger bathing their own (nude) children. So in truth it is those perverts who cannot be trusted out of clothes, in mainstream society, that are the real danger to children. It is mainstream clothed US and UK society which are the Babylons of child incest in this world. Why do you think they are obsessed with privacy in their own homes? To hide their child abuse! Out in the open, where there are witnesses, naturist children are safe. We just have to keep our naturist kids away from these mainstream perverts hiding their weapons under clothes.
